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Game developed in Unity for 3º Semester Game Design course at Anhembi Morumbi.

This project is based on “O Sol é que Alegra o Dia” tale by João Ventura, in which the author writes Padre Himalaya's biography and his inventions that utilizes the sun as energy. The name Cidade do Céu (translated to Heaven’s City) was chosen to illustrate the game main goal. During the game the player plays as L-IP12, a collector robot, that one day during his duty finds a picture with humans smiling, awaking in L-IP12 a curiosity that makes him question how would be the New World.

You must complete some simple puzzles like take object A and bring to B, to advance and reach the Heaven's City, you may even need help from a friendly little companion to solve some puzzles.

I came up with some game design ideas, like the companion, I was responsible and did all the coding and handled everything inside Unity.



Unity 2D Game PC


Game Designer and Programmer

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